Proposal for Detection of the 0′ and π′ Phases in Quantum-Dot Josephson Junctions
Dynamical second-order noise sweetspots in resonantly driven spin qubits
Tunable zero modes and quantum interferences in flat-band topological insulators
Radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations with massive Dirac fermions
Rashba coupling and spin switching through surface states of Dirac semimetals
Topology and Interactions in the Photonic Creutz and Creutz-Hubbard Ladders
Designing adiabatic time evolution from high-frequency bichromatic sources
Simulation of 1D Topological Phases in Driven Quantum Dot Arrays
Spin entangled state transfer in quantum dot arrays: Coherent adiabatic and speed-up protocols
Floquet engineering of Dirac cones on the surface of a topological insulator
Unconventional quantum optics in topological waveguide QED
Interplay between long-range hopping and disorder in topological systems
Thermoelectric performance of topological boundary modes
Fast long-range charge transfer in quantum dot arrays
Coherent long-range thermoelectrics in nonadiabatic driven quantum systems
Chiral Maxwell demon in a quantum Hall system with a localized impurity
Josephson junction dynamics in the presence of 2π - And 4π -periodic supercurrents
Topologically Enforced Bifurcations in Superconducting Circuits
Sublattice dynamics and quantum state transfer of doublons in two-dimensional lattices
Doublon lifetimes in dissipative environments
Random-walk topological transition revealed via electron counting
Edge-state blockade of transport in quantum dot arrays
Generic helical edge states due to Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a topological insulator
Topological Instabilities in ac-Driven Bosonic Systems
Channel blockade in a two-path triple-quantum-dot system
Reprint of: Floquet Majorana fermions in superconducting quantum dots
Transport, shot noise, and topology in AC-driven dimer arrays
Dissipative long-range entanglement generation between electronic spins
Coupled Landau-Zener-Stückelberg quantum dot interferometers
Long-range doublon transfer in a dimer chain induced by topology and ac fields
Radiation-induced resistance oscillations in a 2D hole gas: A demonstration of a universal effect
Fourier transform analysis of irradiated Weiss oscillations
Floquet Majorana fermions in superconducting quantum dots
Photon assisted long-range tunneling
Superexchange blockade in triple quantum dots
Unidirectional direct current in coupled nanomechanical resonators by tunable symmetry breaking
Engineering anomalous quantum Hall plateaus and antichiral states with ac fields
Nonequilibrium relaxation transport of ultracold atoms
Floquet engineering of long-range p -wave superconductivity
Long-range spin transfer in triple quantum dots
Steady-state coherent transfer by adiabatic passage
Floquet-Bloch theory and topology in periodically driven lattices
Effects of noise on hysteresis and resonance width in graphene and nanotubes resonators
Dark Bell states in tunnel-coupled spin qubits
Hyperfine interactions in two-dimensional HgTe topological insulators
Realizing broadbands of strong nonlinear coupling in nanoelectromechanical electron shuttles
Spin-orbit effects in a triple quantum dot shuttle
Merging of Dirac points and Floquet topological transitions in ac-driven graphene
Bipolar spin blockade and coherent state superpositions in a triple quantum dot
Dynamical detection of Majorana fermions in current-biased nanowires
Transport blocking and topological phases using ac magnetic fields
Topological phases in adiabatic and nonadiabatic driven systems
Double coupled electron shuttle
Limit cycles and chaos in the current through a quantum dot
Triple quantum dots as charge rectifiers
Dynamical polarizability of graphene irradiated by circularly polarized ac electric fields
Helical edge states coupled to a spin bath: Current-induced magnetization
Quasienergy spectrum and tunneling current in ac-driven triple quantum dot shuttles
Dynamical nuclear spin polarization induced by electronic current through double quantum dots
Phonon-mediated decoherence in triple quantum dot interferometers
Charge localization and dynamical spin locking in double quantum dots driven by ac magnetic fields
Transport properties of a molecule embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer
Coherent control of interacting particles using dynamical and aharonov-bohm phases
Spin dynamics in double quantum dots in the spin blockade regime
Control of spin blockade by ac magnetic fields in triple quantum dots
Electron bunching in triple quantum dot interferometers
Role of an in-plane field in 2D magnetotransport assisted by microwaves
Spin-polarized currents in double and triple quantum dots driven by ac magnetic fields
Electron spin resonance in triple quantum dot interferometers
Magnetoswitching of current oscillations in dilute magnetic semiconductor nanostructures
Tunable nuclear polarization with external stationary fields in weakly coupled double quantum dots
Microwave magnetoabsorption in two-dimensional electron systems
Self-sustained spin-polarized current oscillations in multiquantum well structures
Phonon emission in two levels quantum dots
Multiquantum well spin polarized current oscillator
Role of dynamic nuclear polarization on the transport through weakly coupled double quantum dots
Dynamical nuclear polarization in double quantum dots induced by hyperfine interaction
Tunnel spectroscopy in ac-driven quantum dot nanoresonators
Coherent spin rotations in open driven double quantum dots
Driving Weiss oscillations to zero resistance states by microwave Radiation
Transport in an ac-driven triple dot quantum shuttle
Electron spin resonance in double quantum dots
Spin correlations in spin blockade
Resonance fluorescence in driven quantum dots: Electron and photon correlations
Electron bunching in stacks of coupled quantum dots
Electronic transport through a double quantum dot in the spin-blockade regime: Theoretical models
Hysteretic behavior in weakly coupled double-dot transport in the spin blockade regime
Resonance fluorescence in transport through quantum dots: Noise properties
Polarization immunity of magnetoresistivity response under microwave excitation
Multi-quantum-well spin oscillator
Spin-filtering through excited states in double-quantum-dot pumps
Spin-dependent transport through magnetic nanojunctions
Spin blockade removal in a double quantum dot via hyperfine interaction
Spin filter effect in an AC-driven double quantum dot
Removing spin blockade by photon-assisted tunneling in double quantum dots
Ac-driven double quantum dots as spin pumps and spin filters
Theoretical approach to microwave-radiation-induced zero-resistance states in 2D electron systems
Photon-assisted transport in semiconductor nanostructures
Charge transport through open driven two-level systems with dissipation
Coherence and localization in AC-driven quantum dots
Localization of two interacting electrons in quantum dot arrays driven by an ac field
Shot noise in strongly correlated double quantum dots
Spin-polarized current oscillations in diluted magnetic semiconductor multiple quantum wells
Dynamical instability of electric-field domains in ac-driven superlattices
Dynamical instability of electric-field domains in ac-driven superlattices
Spin-polarized pumping in a double quantum dot
Dynamical control of correlated states in a square quantum dot
Field-domain spintronics in magnetic semiconductor multiple quantum wells
Nonequilibrium transport through double quantum dots: Kondo effect versus antiferromagnetic coupling
ac-driven localization in a two-electron quantum dot molecule
Quasiperiodic current and strange attractors in ac-driven superlattices
Canted phase in double quantum dots
Low-temperature transport in ac-driven quantum dots in the Kondo regime
Dynamics of electric field domain walls in semiconductor superlattices
AC transport through a quantum dot: From Kondo to Coulomb-blockade behaviour
Photon assisted electric field domains in doped semiconductor superlattices
Kondo effect in ac transport through quantum dots
Magnetic field induced charge instabilities in weakly coupled superlattices
AC Kondo effect in quantum dots
Photoinduced multistable phenomena in the tunneling current through doped superlattices
Sequential tunneling current through semiconductor superlattices under intense THz radiation
Dynamical localization and absolute negative conductance in an ac-driven double quantum well
Microscopic model for sequential tunneling in semiconductor multiple quantum wells
Electron-photon interaction in resonant tunneling diodes
Photoassisted sequential tunnelling through superlattices
Coherent resonant tunneling in ac fields
A.c. field assisted current in GaAs-AlGaAs superlattices
Resonant tunneling in time-dependent fields through laterally confined double barriers
Photoinduced current bistabilities in a semiconductor double barrier
Light-assisted magnetotunneling through a semiconductor double-barrier structure
Resonant tunnelling through a double-barrier structure assisted by a photon field
Coherent and sequential photoassisted tunneling through a semiconductor double-barrier structure
Interband resonant tunneling and transport in InAs/AlSb/GaSb heterostructures
Sequential tunneling through a GaAs/AlGaAs double barrier assisted by light
Interband magneto-optics in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells in a parallel field
Quantum transmission channels for magnetotunneling in semiconductor microstructures
Coherent and sequential resonant magnetotunneling through double barrier structures
Magnetotunneling in semiconductor superlattices
Valence-band levels and optical transitions in quantum wells in a parallel magnetic field
Coherent and sequential tunneling in double barriers with transverse magnetic fields
Hole levels of GaAsGaAlAs quantum wells in a parallel magnetic field
Magnetic hole levels in quantum wells in a parallel field
Generalized transfer Hamiltonian for the study of resonant tunneling
Electronic structure of superlattices and quantum wells under uniaxial stress
Electronic structure of (100) semiconductor heterojunctions
Initial stages of the Schottky-barrier formation for abrupt covalent interfaces
Anion-induced surface states for the ideal (100) faces of GaAs, AlAs and GaSb
Initial stages of the Schottky-barrier formation for an abrupt Al-GaAs(100) interface
Surface green function matching for crystal lattice dynamics
Surface waves in solids and fluids
Long range quantum information transfer in quantum dot arrays
Simulation of chiral topological phases in quantum dot arrays
Simulation of topological phases in quantum dot arrays
Quantum dot arrays for quantum information transfer
Puntos Cuánticos: plataformas para computación y simulación cuántica
Floquet engineering for simulating topological one dimensional systems
Simulation of topological phases in quantum dot arrays
Rashba Coupling and Spin Switching in Dirac Semimetals
Problemas no lineales en la nano-escala con aplicación en las tecnologías cuánticas
Simulation of topological insulators with ac driving
Chiral electronics and effect of the external fields in topological semimetals
Floquet engineering for quantum simulation of topological insulators
Simulation of topological phases in driven quantum dot arrays
Driven quantum dot arrays as topological insulators
Quantum dot arrays for quantum information transfer
Long range transport in quantum dot arrays
Long range electron transport in ac driven quantum dot arrays
ac driven quantum dots
Quantum Transport in semiconductor quantum dots
Quantum Transport in Semiconductor nanostructure under ac driving
Long range quantum state transfer in ac driven quantum dot arrays
Long range quantum state transfer in ac driven quantum dot arrays
Interference of real and virtual transitions in quantum dot chains
Long range electron transport in quantum dots arrays
Superexchange transport in quantum dot arrays
Superexchange transport and blockade in triple quantum dots
Atomos y Moleculas Artificiales: soportes físicos para la información cuántica?
A Two Dimensional Topological Insulator Coupled To an Enviroment of Localized Spins
Maximal Entanglement Out of Transport Through Double Quantum Dots
Bipolar Spin Blockade and Dark State Leakage Mechanisms in Triple Quantum Dot Circuits
Coherent charge and spin dynamics in double quantum dots driven by ac magnetic fields
Bipolar Spin Blockade in Triple Quantum Dots
Bipolar Spin Blockade in Triple Quantum Dots
Coherent dynamics of electrons in ac driven quantum dot arrays
Non equilibrium transport through semiconductor nanostructure
Dynamic production of entanglement in spin blockade quantum dots
coherent control of electron dynamics by ac fields¿
Phase and Topology: two ways for controlling coherent electron dynamics
Dynamical nuclear spin polarization induced by electronic current through double quantum dots
Topology and phase: two ways to control the coherent dynamics of electrons,
Spin-polarized currents in double and triple quantum dots driven by ac magnetic fields
localization of interacting electrons by ac electric fields in quantum dots arrays
Floquet Theory for Electron Spin Resonance in Quantum Dots
Spin valves in quantum dots driven by ac magnetic fields
Floquet Theory for Electron Spin Resonance in Quantum Dots
Spin Dynamics in Triple Quantum Dots
Magnetotransport and electron spin resonance in double and triple quantum dots
Electron Spin Resonance in Quantum Dots
Coherence and Transport in Quantum Dots
Spin Dynamics in double quantum dots
Electron Spin Resonance in Double Quantum Dots
Spin transport in AC-Driven Quantum Dots
ac driven transport in the Kondo regime
non equilibrium transport in semiconductor nanostructures
Transport in strongly correlated quantum dots
AC driven transport through superlattices and nano devices
Electronic properties of superlattices
Photoassisted Transport through Nanodevices
strongly correlated transport in semiconductor nanostructures
Quantum Coherence in semiconductor nanostructures
strongly interacting electron transport
Photoassisted Tunneling Through Semiconductor Superlattices
Electronic properties of semiconductor nanostructures
Magnetotransport in semiconductor superlattices
AC Driven Transport in Nanostructures
Transporte en Nanoestructuras
Photoassisted tunneling in nanostructures
Quantum Transport in Semiconductor nanostructures
AC driven quantum transport
Transporte Cuántico en Superredes
Quantum Spin Dynamics in Semiconductor Nanostructures
Non linear spin transport through semiconductor nano devices
Magnetotransport through semiconductor superlattices
Magnetotransport through double barriers and superlattices