Materials and catalytic processes for environment and energy

Materials and catalytic processes for environment and energy

Development and characterization of active materials as heterogeneous catalysts. Study of processes of energy and environmental interest: Reforming of Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen Production and purification, fine chemicals, agricultural waste recovery and lignocellulosic biomass. Group¿s Web page:

Main specialization

Environmental Microbiology

Environmental Microbiology

Our group has as main research interest the study of the metabolic and regulatory networks that control the bacterial metabolism of toxic compounds and/or biowaste, many of which are major environmental pollutants. The cell signaling circuits and the cognate resistance mechanisms involved in the bacterial adaptation to the stress caused by the toxic compounds are also under study. To this end, we carry out classic approaches of physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, in combination with modern omic and synthetic biology techniques, to achieve an integrative and systems biology view.

Main specialization

Polymer Biotechnology (POLYBIO)

Polymer Biotechnology (POLYBIO)

The problem of environmental pollution generated by the massive use of plastic materials derived from industry has attracted much interest in the implementation of sustainable processes involving the use of biomass derived from wastes, gas wastes and atmospheric CO2 to generate alternative materials to these high consumption products. The group is focused on the production of bioplastics and other bio-based materials using tools of molecular biology and metabolic engineering, combined with new omic technologies and synthetic biology.

Main specialization

Mechanisms of cancer metastasis

Mechanisms of cancer metastasis

The group "Mechanisms of tumor metastasis" is currently composed by the PI plus another 4-5 researchers with temporary or training contracts. Since joining the CIB, our group has consolidated a solid experience in the identification and development of new biomarkers and useful therapeutic targets for colorectal cancer (CRC). A large number of proteins relevant to the progression and metastasis of CRC have been characterized, including cadherin 17, IL13Rα2, PAUF and SOSTDC1, and new therapeutic strategies based on these objectives have been developed.

Main specialization

Cancer Genetics and Cancer Stem Cells

Cancer Genetics and Cancer Stem Cells

Adult stem cells, or tissue-specific stem cells maintain the tissue homostasis during the organism's life. We aim to understand the biology of these cells and their relationship with cancer stem cells (CSC). Using different celular models including mammary gland, mesenchymal stem cells, neuronal cells and immune cells we hace demonstrated the plasticity of the stem cells and their relationship with the CSC. The last years we have analyzxed the effect of monoclonal antibodies against meural stem cells and early progenitos in tissue regeneration and the treatment of glioblastomas.

Main specialization

Immune cell migration and differentiation, and therapy resistance in cancer

Immune cell migration and differentiation, and therapy resistance in cancer

An important part of our studies is focused on the characterization of molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of lymphocyte migration and differentiation. On the other hand, we are identifying mechanisms of resistance to chemotherapy of melanoma and multiple myeloma cells.

Main specialization

Optical Spectroscopies on Plasmon & Semiconductor Nanostructures

Optical Spectroscopies on Plasmon & Semiconductor Nanostructures

Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopies of molecules on plasmonic nanoparticles: Adsorption, Detection and Nanocatalysis. Theoretical study of the resonant phenomena of the electromagnetic field on plasmon and semiconductor nanostructures, metasurfaces, and topological photonic insulators.

Main specialization

Soft and Polymeric Matter (SOFTMATPOL)

Soft and Polymeric Matter (SOFTMATPOL)

The group of soft matter and polymeric physics consists of scientists from the Institute of Structure of Matter trained in polymer physics. The group was formed at the beginning of the past decade. Based on the knowledge of traditional polymer physics, the group addresses two different aspects. On the one hand, focuses on the study of nanostructuring Soft Matter based systems, facing the possible application design, always from a physical point of view, taking into account the physical implications of these processes for nanostructuring.

Main specialization

Biophysics of Macromolecular Systems (BIOPHYM)

Biophysics of Macromolecular Systems (BIOPHYM)

BIOPHYM is a group devoted to experimental and computational research activities related to the fundamental physics of macromolecular systems: molecular dynamics, assembly, functionality and recycling of synthetic polymers and biomacromolecular systems, these latter related to breast cancer medical treatment. Biophym is particularly concerned on maintaining a constant link with the industrial sector. The formation of pH.D. students is also an imput for this group.

Main specialization

Molecular Fluid Dynamics

Molecular Fluid Dynamics

Experimental group, pioneer and worldwide reference in the quantitative study of gas dynamics at molecular scale by Raman spectroscopy. The problems investigated so far includes micromapping (density and temperature mapping with resolution of micron) and kinetics of supersonic gas jets, shock waves, molecular clustering, inelastic collisions, and crystallization of liquid microjets (Welcome page news on CSIC web, June 2011).

Main specialization