Competitions and Contests

The CSIC is involved in numerous initiatives that intend to stimulate scientific culture with prizes and distinctions. The recipients, the modalities and the topics of these activities offer a great variety of options to participate in them.




A CSIC and FECYT initiative that brings closer science and technology to the citizens through scientific photography.


Short story contest inspired in science.

Carrera de la Ciencia

International annual 10 km road race

Premios Fotón

Recognition for scientific outreach and teaching in the fields of optics and photonics.

La mar de ciencia

Video, drawing and story contests aimed at children and young people discovering marine sciences and oceanography.


Certamen de ideas y proyectos de innovación para jóvenes.




Ciencia en Acción

International contest (Spanish or Portuguese speaking countries) aimed at students, teachers, researchers and scientific disseminators.

Jóvenes Investigadores

Awards for works related to any of the areas of the Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate and Vocational Training curriculum.

Certamen Universitario Arquímedes

For the promotion of the research spirit of young university students by awarding prizes to research projects.

Programa Investiga I+D+i de la Fundación San Patricio

Programme addressed to 4º ESO students from all over Spain.

Premios Exporecerca Jove

Annual exhibition and contest of research works carried out in Spain that welcomes participants from 12 to 30 years.

Cristalización en la Escuela

This contest aims to take science outside of the classroom to carry out attractive experiments on the growth of crystals.

Premio San Viator

Research contest in sciences and humanities for students of Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate and Middle Level Training Cycles from all over Spain./p>


Contest aimed at awakening the spirit of technological research among the youngest people.

Perro y escarabajo

Estímulos olfativos”, imagen premiada en FOTCIENCIA 08.  / Autor: Pablo García García.

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