Didactics of the Science

CSIC centres, units and research projects bring closer science and technology to students and teachers of different levels through various programmes and initiatives.


CSIC contributes to the scientific education of the Infant, Primary and Secondary teachers and offers a wide catalogue of activities to the teaching centres: guided visits to research institutes, workshops and lectures by researchers in schools and institutes, support for works of student research, etc. All activities are free and can be requested online.

El CSIC en la Escuela

Scientific training courses and seminars aimed at teachers in the first stages of education for incorporating the teaching of science since childhood and primary education.

El CSIC en el Aula de Aragón

CSIC’s institutes and centres in Aragón open their doors so that the students can learn the work that is carried out there through guided visits with the collaboration of the researchers themselves.

El CSIC en el Áula de Cataluña

Activities in the classroom targeted at primary and secondary schools, visits to research centres, update scientific seminars for teachers and support for research work in Baccalaureate.

Exper-i-ciencia en Galicia

Scientific meetings in educational centres between research staff of the CSIC and students from infant education to Baccalaureate.

ConcienciaSé en la Comunidad Valenciana

Series of guided visits to institutes and CSIC research centres in the Comunidad Valenciana aimed at students in the last years of secondary education.

Actividades educativas en Madrid

The CSIC Delegation in Madrid offers lectures and workshops in which CSIC researchers collaborate in education centres as well as diverse options for realising training practices in the CSIC research centres. Likewise, these centres organise guided visits of its installations for student groups.

Educación en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales

Activities and didactic resources for school groups and families on ecology, biodiversity, climate change, environmental biology and paleobiology.

Educación en el Real Jardín Botánico

Activities for school groups and resources on the Real Jardín Botánico collections adapted to different educational levels.

Educación en la Casa de la Ciencia de Sevilla

This CSIC museum makes a planetarium and four exhibitions available to school groups to explore cetaceans, invertebrates, geology and electricity.

Ciencia en el barrio

Mathematical talent incentive programme that seeks to detect, guide and stimulate in a continuous way the outstanding mathematical talent of 12-13 years old students.


Programa de Estímulo del Talento Matemático que busca detectar, orientar y estimular de manera continuada el talento matemático excepcional de estudiantes de 12-13 años.

Física de partículas en el instituto

The Centro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear offers a series of informative talks to IES from all over Spain on topics such as the Higgs boson and the LHC, the detection of dark matter and energy or advances in the field of physics applied to medicine or nuclear technology.

Escoles Tàndem

The Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC) has been associated to the elementary school Mossèn Joan Batlle de Blanes through this programme, that promotes the partnership between training centres and institutions of reference during 3 years to foster pedagogical innovation and educative success. 

Proyecto de Iniciación a la Investigación de Innovación en Secundaria en Granada (PIIISA

Participation of secondary school students in research projects directed by scientists.

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