Soft and Polymeric Matter (SOFTMATPOL)

The group of soft matter and polymeric physics consists of scientists from the Institute of Structure of Matter trained in polymer physics. The group was formed at the beginning of the past decade. Based on the knowledge of traditional polymer physics, the group addresses two different aspects. On the one hand, focuses on the study of nanostructuring Soft Matter based systems, facing the possible application design, always from a physical point of view, taking into account the physical implications of these processes for nanostructuring. On the other hand, given the experimental nature of the group, a commitment has been made to advanced instrumentation, first participating in the construction of an experimental development for the Spanish line X-ray scattering at low angle (SAXS) at the ESRF and then coordinating the proposal to create a line of Spanish synchrotron SAXS in ALBA.

Main specialization

Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • PE3 Condensed Matter Physics
Industrial Leadership:
  • 2. Nanotechnologies
  • 2.4. Efficient synthesis and manufacturing of nanomaterials, components and systems
Societal Challenges:
  • 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy
  • 3.2. Low-cost, low-carbon electricity supply