On February 26th 2021, CSIC was awarded with the "HR Excellence in Research" award from the European Commission. This award is a recognition of the institution's commitment to the development of a Human Resources (HR) strategy for researchers, designed for the application by CSIC of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C) [Download pdf]. Making CSIC more attractive to researchers, improving also the attractiveness of national research systems and contributing to the development of the European labour market and the consolidation of the European Research Area (ERA).
Obtaining this award is the result of the analysis carried out in the last two years from the Headquarters Organization (ORGC) and with the collaboration of many researchers about the human resources policies of the institution, which resulted in the elaboration of the Action Plan to improve them. But, above all, this award should serve as an incentive for all of us to develop all the proposed actions over the next two years.
The implementation of the actions included in the Action Plan requires the involvement of the entire staff of the institution. It is an ambitious plan, which includes a large number of actions, of varying degrees of importance, and which affect different levels of the institution.
There are many actions at the level of directors, managers and research staff, who play a key role in providing a favourable, encouraging and stimulating work environment that promotes equal opportunities, ethical integrity and a balance between work and personal life. Activities in which the institution promotes active participation in the development of the Action Plan.
A specific website for the HRS4R strategy has been set up at the CSIC https://hrs4r.csic.es/.
2021-2023 HRS4R Action Plan
The Gap Analysis and Action Plan were developed in an inclusive and open process involving a working group with representatives from all ORGC administrative units, trade unions and all professional categories of researchers.
The final documentation of the Action Plan for obtaining the "Excellence in Human Resources in Research" seal is as follows:
- CSIC's resubmission file to the HR Excellence in Research Award Download
- Annex 1: Extended version of the Action Plan (highlighting with yellow underline all the implemented changes). Download
- Annex 2: Synoptic table of the Action Plan, where actions are organised in: four blocks, according to the Charter and Code; around the main GAP principles related to and grouped within topics. Download
- Annex 3: Table of the Action Plan with the prioritised actions. Download
- Annex 4: Table of the scheduled Action Plan. Download
The rest of the templates presented are also available:
- Template 1 GAP Analysis-Process Download
- Template 2 GAP Analysis Overview Download
- Template 3 OTM-R Checklist Download
- Template 4 Action Plan Download
Maintaining the award requires an internal review of the Action Plan within two years, which will be evaluated by independent reviewers.
The following image shows the phases of the HRS4R procedure. CSIC is therefore in the second phase or implementation phase:

For any further information, please contact us by e-mail at HRS4R@csic.es