The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is a State Agency for scientific research and technological development that has a separate legal personality, its own patrimony and treasury, functional and managerial autonomy, and indefinite duration. (Article 1. Estatuto)
La Ley 19/2013 de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Buen Gobierno exige a las instituciones la publicación de información sobre sus funciones, la normativa que las regula, su estructura organizativa, sus planes (incluyendo su grado de cumplimiento), así como la información de relevancia jurídica y económica, presupuestaria y estadística.
La Ley 9/2917 de Contratos del Sector Público, en su artículo 63 establece la obligación de publicar el Perfil de contratante. El perfil de contratante de la Agencia Estatal CSIC agrupa la información y documentos relativos a su actividad contractual al objeto de asegurar la transparencia y el acceso público a los mismos
The CSIC is a public body that generally acts as responsible for the treatment of personal data, and therefore, following the principle of proactive responsibility, has the duty of care as established by the General Data Protection Regulation and the Ley 3/2018, 5th December, Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights
Research in the CSIC is structured in three main areas, SOCIETY, LIFE AND MATERIA which cover most of the human knowledge, with more than 1,500 research groups and 120 centres devoted to them.
Innovation and Transfer
Approaching CSIC technologies and knowledge to all sectors of society
Joining efforts in R&D and Innovation
Creating and strengthening relations with the private sector
Knowledge and Technologies to solve business challenges.
Real examples of how CSIC generates value by bringing research results to society
News and plans to boost the knowledge-based economy
We are available for further information and answer any questions
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) scientific production should be in leading positions of a highly competitive international scientific environment. This is the main reason why the CSIC's relations with other international research entities are an essential point for the CSIC's progress.
Science and Society
In the CSIC we enjoy science and we love to share it. That is why we promote a large number of initiatives aimed at the popularisation of science, education and citizen science. Our objective is to foster scientific culture and to make science more accessible for everybody.
Editorial CSIC has an extensive catalogue of prestigious academic publications, including more than 2,500 titles of monographs organised in 75 collections, and 37 scientific journals. Editorial CSIC has in this catalogue a careful selection of works not included in these collections.
More than a hundred publications in which CSIC specialists in all areas of knowledge bring closer to citizenship scientific topics of public interest in a clear and rigorous way.
CSIC centres, units and research projects bring closer science and technology to students and teachers of different levels through various programmes and initiatives.
Science does not need to be done only by professionals. Participate in scientific research through the collection and analysis of data and sharing resources.
The CSIC has various centres of reference for science outreach located in the main Spanish cities. Exhibitions, workshops, conferences and other activities aimed at all publics are part of the regular programming in these places.
El CSIC ofrece a las instituciones que lo solicitan exposiciones sobre diversos temas científicos en un formato fácilmente transportable. Las muestras se prestan gratuitamente siempre y cuando se garantice un acceso gratuito y universal a las mismas.
En los centros y delegaciones del CSIC existen unidades que trabajan en el fomento de la cultura científica y la ciencia ciudadana. Un mapa permite localizar su ubicación y acceder a sus datos de contacto.
Training and employment
The are many alternatives for joining and working in the CSIC: to do it as a researcher, it is required to be in possession of the title of doctor; as a researcher in training, through a predoctoral contract; as technician, supporting research directly in its diverse modalities; or as a technician responsible for the administrative management.
CSIC is a unique research institution in Spain, which society recognizes and values. In addition to its thematic diversity in the research activity and its large human capital, its geographical presence throughout the Spanish territory as well as its singular infrastructures should be highlighted.
Around 11,000 people work and do research in CSIC. Around 25% are researchers in training who do their doctorate and continue their career focused on the postdoctoral stage performing research projects under the direction of CSIC researchers.
CSIC’s Labour Exchange is the selection mechanism to access ttemporary jobs linked to research projects, agreements and contracts.
Puede consultar toda la información relativa a las convocatorias específicas de empleo fijo y temporal del CSIC y de otras convocatorias específicas, así como de las de provisión de puestos de trabajo por personal funcionario mediante el sistema de libre designación, de promoción interna y de los concursos de traslados de personal funcionario y laboral.
The Department for Postgraduate and Specialisa¬tion (DPE) contributes to define and implement the agency's policy regarding the training of research personnel.
El programa de Cursos de Especialización comprende todas las enseñanzas que los investigadores del CSIC ofrecen en forma de cursos de posgrado dirigidos a graduados, licenciados, ingenieros, arquitectos, etc.
The CSIC is one of the institutions recognized with the "HR Excellence in Research" award, stating its commitment to continue improving its Human Resources policies in accordance with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
Within the framework of the ESF+ 2021-2027 programming, the CSIC participates as an Intermediate Body carrying out actions related to Political Objective 4, "a more social and inclusive Europe, through the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights," by developing initiatives that help improve access to employment and activation measures for all job seekers, particularly young individuals.
Buzón de denuncias Ley 2/2023
Buzón de denuncias PRTR