Science and Society

In the CSIC we enjoy science and we love to share it. That is why we promote a large number of initiatives aimed at the popularisation of science, education and citizen science. Our objective is to foster scientific culture and to make science more accessible for everybody.


Exhibitions, workshops, spectacles, conferences, books, blogs, apps… We use a great variety of formats, from the most classic to the most innovative, to dialogue with all kind of publics. The main resource the CSIC has to bring science closer to society is its research staff, who is involved in these activities fostering, participating or assisting them.

Editorial CSIC


Editorial CSIC has an extensive catalogue of prestigious academic publications, including more than 2,500 titles of monographs organised in 75 collections, and 37 scientific journals.

Scientific outreach initiatives


Exhibitions, workshops, spectacles, conferences, books, blogs, apps… We use a great variety of formats, from the most classic to the most innovative, to dialogue with all kind of publics.

Museum and scientific outreach venues


The CSIC has various centres of reference for science outreach located in the main Spanish cities. Exhibitions, workshops, conferences and other activities aimed at all publics are part of the regular programming in these places.

Scientific culture network


In the CSIC centres and delegations there are units that work to promote scientific culture and citizen science. This map shows where they are located.

Scientific outreach books


More than a hundred publications in which CSIC specialists in all areas of knowledge bring closer to citizenship scientific topics of public interest in a clear and rigorous way.

Citizen science


Science does not need to be done only by professionals. Participate in scientific research through the collection and analysis of data and sharing resources.

Didactics of science


CSIC centres, units and research projects bring closer science and technology to students and teachers of different levels through various programmes and initiatives.

Strategies and policies for scientific outreach


CSIC organises courses and training meetings for people interested in the dissemination of science, prepares documents aimed at promoting scientific culture and participates in projects and initiatives aimed at assessing the impact of social communication on science.

Social Media