Applied Ethics Group (GEA)

Applied Ethics Group (GEA)

Applied ethics constitutes today one of the most fruitful research fields both in philosophy in particular and in the humanities and social sciences in general. Not surprisingly, it addresses the complexity and uncertainty of activities, practices and processes from ethical reflexivity and is therefore linked to the hottest public issues of our time: robotics and artificial intelligence, crisis of politics and good governance, human enhancement, human rights and duties, aging, etc.

Main specialization



The research group in phenomenology is driven by a philosophical, rather than historical, interest in the possibilities of analytical description of the living world. The group is devoted to the theoretical inquiry of the structure of experience and shows particular attention to the problematic of the living body and to the debates concerning its ontological status.

Main specialization

Social and Political Philosophy (FISOPOL)

Social and Political Philosophy (FISOPOL)

Multidisciplinary research in social and political philosophy in order to develop a theory of justice that takes into account and relate different aspects, such as the spatial (global justice, migrations and exiles, environment, cities and post-national citizenship) and temporal dimension (memory, history), narrative features (nation stories, literature) and gender perspective (human rights, feminism, intersectionality) as well as cultural diversity (identities, interculturalism, nationalism).

Main specialization



The Research Group THEORIA CUM PRAXI (TcP) ETHICS, EPISTEMOLOGY and SOCIEDAD was named after the Leibnizian adage, adopted by Kant in Theorie and Praxis, whose understanding was that all Praxis can be realised and improved from Theory. From Ethical, Philosophical and Culture coordinates, the group assumes the enlightened motto that ideas should mould our daily lives.

Main specialization

Demographic Dynamics

Demographic Dynamics

Research Group on Demographic Dynamics, IEGD, CCHS, CSIC Web: The activity of the Research Group on Demographic Dynamics began in 2002. On one hand, it is oriented towards basic research in the field of demography, especially in the areas of: fertility, nuptiality, migration and health-mortality, and, on the other hand, towards the realisation of applied demography studies, from a multidisciplinary perspective that includes: economics, sociology, public health, geography, statistics, history...

Main specialization

Research Group on Ageing (GIE-CSIC)

Research Group on Ageing (GIE-CSIC)

The Research Group on Aging - CSIC (GIE-CSIC) was established in 1989 at the Institute of Economics and Geography, to face the analysis of the aging of the Spanish population which began to be considered in those years as a subject of significant social importance. Group members agreed (i) to contribute to the scientific research on aging in Spain, which has resulted in an extensive curriculum (projects and contracts, publications, participation in various scientific and outreach activities), and (ii) to interact with other social research lines, disciplines and groups.

Main specialization

Cross-border human mobility between East and West, in the European geopolitical context

Cross-border human mobility between East and West, in the European geopolitical context

The research focuses on human mobility (with special emphasis on mobility from Eastern Europe to Spain, across borders), and geopolitical and social changes in Europe, Russia and Eurasia. The group that makes up this line of research involves researchers from the University of Valencia, Universidad Complutense, Universidad Carlos III, Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad de Alicante, University of Barcelona, University of Bucharest, University of Iasi, Romanian Academy, University of Odessa (Ukraine), Cernauti European Institute (Ukraine) University of Varna (Bulgaria), Russian Academy of Sc

Main specialization

Multi-scale Geographical Analysis of Global Change

Multi-scale Geographical Analysis of Global Change

The geographic information, generated, managed and analyzed with the help of technology such as remote sensing and GIS, provides a unique tool to analyze events and processes that occur on the territory, facilitating accurate, detailed and real-time information very useful to support the decision making that allow understanding the causes and mitigate the adverse effects of Global Change.

Main specialization

Nutrition and Production of Herbivores

Nutrition and Production of Herbivores

The research of the ‘Nutrition and Production of Herbivores’ group is mainly focused on the study of the nutritional factors affecting metabolism, productive performance, final product characteristics and well-being of herbivores of livestock farming interest.

Main specialization