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What do we know about…? (¿Qué sabemos de...? )

This collection aims to bring to a wide audience the state of the art of key topics of scientific research through short and affordable texts prepared by CSIC scientist Explore the collection

Manuel de León, 2012

Xavier Bellés, 2013

Carlos Pedrós-Alió, 2013

Rafael Rodrigo, 2012

Alberto Casas y Teresa Rodrigo, 2012

Josep Maria Trigo Rodríguez, 2012

Juan José Soler, 2012

Pedro José Gutiérrez Buenestado, 2012

Juli G. Pausas, 2012

Isabel Varela Nieto y Luis Lassaletta Atienza, 2012

Francisco Javier Cudeiro Mazaira, 2012

Salvador Martínez Pérez, 2011

Álvaro Giménez, 2012

José Manuel López Nieto, 2011

Bernardo Herradón García, 2011

David Martín de Diego, 2011

Karel H.M. van Wely, 2011

Mª Victoria Moreno-Arribas, 2011

M. Teresa Tellería, 2011

Joan Martí Molist, 2011