The current Science, Technology and Innovation Law (Law 14/2011, 1 June) has among its general objectives: "To promote the inclusion of the gender perspective as a transversal category in science, technology and innovation, as well as a balanced presence of women and men in all areas of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System". The European Research Area (ERA, 2012) has as its fourth priority "Gender equality and the gender perspective in research, promoting gender diversity to foster scientific excellence". In addition, through Agenda 2030 (Paris, 25 September 2015) the UN established Sustainable Objective 5 "Gender Equality", which among other goals establishes "Ensure the full and effective participation of women and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life".
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- Gender effects in research evaluation (pdf)
- 2017 SE Gender Practical Guide (pdf)
- Women are funded more fairly in social science (pdf)
- Gender inequality in bioedical research (pdf)
- Entrevista Jocelyn Bell (El País)
- Entrevista Jocelyn Bell (El Mundo) (pdf)
- Hubble telescope time preferenteally goes to men
- "La Excelencia Cientifica en pareja" (pdf)
- Does a Change in Health Research Funding Policy Related to the Integration of Sex and Gender Have and Impact? (pdf)
- Patricia Fara. A temporary liberation (pdf)
- Gender Inequalities in Education (pfd)
- Fairness to All: Genderand Sex in Scientific Reporting (pdf)
- Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science? (pdf)
- Nature-Global gender disparities in science (pdf)