Submitted by admin on Tue, 08/29/2023 - 15:49

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Knowledge, heresy and political culture in the Islamic West. Eighth-fifteenth centuries


The aim of the project Knowledge, heresy and political culture in the Islamic west (eighth-fifteenth centuries) is twofold: 1) To publish (both in paper and online) a work of reference on the intellectual production of the Islamic West (eighth-fifteenth centuries) including bio-bibliographical information on authors and works (manuscripts, editions, translations and studies). 2) On the basis of the material collected in such work of reference, to publish a monograph under the title Knowledge, heresy and political culture in the Islamic West (eighth-fifteenth centuries), dealing with the concepts and social practices related to knowledge in the Islamicate culture of the times, the emergence of religious dissent, and the construction of religious authority and political legitimacy.
