Service description
Metazoa Barcoding Service: Quantification, normalization and amplification by PCR of a fragment of the 3' end of the COI gene (fragment considered the standard barcode in Metazoa).
Prokaryote Metabarcoding Service. An automated service is offered for the preparation of metabarcoding libraries for a rRNA 16S gene fragment (hyper variable region for high-throughput sequencing (Illumina platform). Indexing using Illumina Nextera XT kits allows multiplexing of up to 384 samples. It also offers the possibility to create create different steps of the protocolo in isolation.
Options and prices chart
Options |
Unit |
Public Sector |
Other customers |
Amplificación del fragmento de Metabarcoding |
€/ placa 96 |
1562.13 € |
1710.9 € |
Amplificación del fragmento de Metabarcoding Procariotas |
€/ placa 96 |
1562.13 € |
1710.9 € |