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Field robots. Service robots. Aerial robots. Security robots. Develepment of robots and their applications. Biomechatronics. Bio-inspired robots. Industrial robots.
Main specialization

Group of advanced Automation of Machines, Highly complex processes and Environments (GAMHE)

Group of advanced Automation of Machines, Highly complex processes and Environments (GAMHE)

The research group is focused on developing methods and techniques in the conjunction of Automatica and AI, whose materialization through intelligent control, enables addressing four pillars: modelling, control, supervision and optimization of complex processes, especially in manufacturing and industrial cyber-physical systems.The group addresses two main fields of application, namely intelligent manufacturing systems and renewable energies (LERH). Key hot topics are sensors and new sensorial systems, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems and ecosystems information technology.
Main specialization



The GPA group is a pioneer and European leader in the development of perception systems and solutions based on intelligent and cooperative robots (multi-robot systems and cobots), providing solutions to a wide range of complex problems. The group's research focuses on technology transfer, mainly in the agricultural sector, which is of great importance in Europe.
Main specialization



Fundamental and applied research on GPS-denied Localization systems and exploration systems. Positioning and navigation of persons inside buildings. Design of local positioning systems or LPS (using ultrasound, Radio: RFID, UWB,...), Pedestrian Dead-Reckoning systems o PDR (using Inertial sensors or IMU), and hybrid solutions by fusing information with Bayesian estimation techniques. Aplications in personal navigation, mobility, safety and health.
Main specialization

Autonomous Systems

Autonomous Systems

This group of research is work with quite abstract and multidisciplinary by nature but we evaluate our developments in three different technical domains: the world of continuous process control, the world of robotics and the world of information technology.
Main specialization

Plant-virus interaction

Plant-virus interaction

In general lines, our research aims to help in understanding: i) population structure, genetic diversity and evolution of plant pathogens, ii) genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in the plant-pathogen interaction, particularly those involved in the development of disease and establishment of resistance, and iii) the molecular mechanisms of the viral transmission by insect vectors. The pathogens under study include: white fly-transmited viruses (Begomovirus and Crinivirus), bacterial pathogens (Pseudomonas spp.) and fungi (Verticillium dahliae).
Main specialization

Biology and control of plant diseases

Biology and control of plant diseases

Different research projects are being conducted with aims in the etiology, epidemiology and control of diseases of relevant subtropical (mango, avocado) and Mediterranean crops (olive, cucurbits, tomato, strawberry), as well as in the characterization of the biology, pathogenesis, virulence, host range and ecology of bacteria and fungi that cause them. These objectives are being addressed by different methodological approaches ranging from conventional methods in Plant Pathology, Microbiology and Genetics to genomic approaches.
Main specialization

Group of Aquatic Macrophyte Ecology (GAME)

Group of Aquatic Macrophyte Ecology (GAME)

The of Group of Aquatic Macrophyte Ecology (GAME) focuses its activity in the biogeochemical and paleoecological aspects of the millenary accumulation in seagrass sediments. In the 2000's, GAME reported a high efficiency in the refractory accumulation of organic carbon in some seagrass species. This would be the origins of what we currently know as Blue Carbon. The dating of this sediments to calculate fluxes to the sink, revealed that the accumulation took place in a remarkable chronological order. This opened vast new vistas for the study of environmental change during the Holocene.
Main specialization

Social-ecological systems in coastal and marine environments

Social-ecological systems in coastal and marine environments

Our research group is aimed to develop knowledge on coastal and marine sustainability by focusing on modern interdisciplinary social-ecological research. Its final goal is to provide a solid scientific basis to solve concrete present problems of sustainability inside our today’s social-ecological paradigm. In order to do that, the team members strongly interact with other different interdisciplinary groups of research.
Main specialization

Fish Reproductive Physiology

Fish Reproductive Physiology

The research activity of the group focuses on the main following lines: 1) Study of the molecular, cellular and physiological basis of fish reproduction 2) Development of environmental technologies, hormonal therapies, genetic engineering and reproductive cycle manipulation to control and study fish reproduction. Specifically the group activity is focused in the study of gonadotropins and sex steroids as key elements controlling gamentogénesis.
Main specialization