Ultrasonic Systems and Technologies (USTG)

Formed by specialists in ultrasonic systems and technologies, and related physics (materials, transduction, propagation, diffraction), and medical and industrial application. Integra, today, 8 researchers, 1 technician, 1 contracted FPI and two predocs. Its purpose is to innovate in: ● A) Study and modeling of the physical phenomena involved ● B) Systems and technologies: transducers, emission-reception electronics and digital processing ● C) Methods, techniques and ultrasonic applications From 2000 to 2018, it was financed with 60 Projects and 77 contracts, and generated 30 patents and 300 articles (170, in 2008-12) in SCI journals and books with ISBN. The group actively transfers technologies and results to the industry. He created 2 spin-off companies (EBT) (Dasel S.L. and Pusonics S.L). It is part of international R & D networks and provides advanced post-graduate training: doctoral theses / masters and courses in other countries.

Main specialization

Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • PE8 Products and Processes Engineering
Industrial Leadership:
  • 7. Other
  • 7.1. Other
Societal Challenges:
  • 1. Health, demographic change and wellbeing
  • 1.06. Improving diagnosis