Nanostructured polymers and gels

The group aims to develop novel polymer gels and self assembling polymer materials as precursor materials of advanced applications in biomedicines. The group is integrated within the CSIC interdisciplinary platforms SUSPLAST+ y FAB3D. Currently it is constituted by the following members: Dr. Rebeca Hernández. Científica titular CSIC (IP) Prof. Carmen Mijangos Prof. Investigación CSIC `ad honorem¿ Dr. Adrián Esteban Arranz. Postdoctoral researcher. Luis Andrés Perez-Perez. Predoctoral researcher. Industrial doctorate. Mario Ivan Peñas Nuñez. Predoctoral researcher, FPI Alexis Alvear Jiménez. Predoctoral researcher, FPI Jorge Mercado Rico, ayudante de investigación CAM Edward Centeno Sánchez, MSc student. Máster de Alta especialización en plásticos y caucho (UCIIIM) Beatriz Fernández Collados. MSc student. Master de gestion Biomédica (UCIIIM)

Main specialization

Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • LS9 Applied Life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology
Industrial Leadership:
  • 3. Advanced materials
  • 3.1 Cross-cutting and enabling materials technologies
Societal Challenges:
  • 1. Health, demographic change and wellbeing
  • 1.08. Treating disease