Immunity, Immunopathology and Emergent Therapies

The current more sedentary lifestyles, obesity, as well as the uncontrolled activity of the immune system and inflammation play a fundamental role in the development and worsening of cardiovascular, metabolic (in its broadest sense) and autoimmune diseases. In order to obtain new therapeutic tools for the treatment of these diseases, our recently reformed group focuses its efforts on understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling the metabolic homeostasis of the immune system and the pathologies derived from its dysregulation, including infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic and autoimmune processes.

Main specialization

Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • LS6 Immunity and Infection
Industrial Leadership:
  • 4. Biotechnology
  • 4.1. Boosting cutting-edge biotechnologies as future innovation drivers
Societal Challenges:
  • 1. Health, demographic change and wellbeing
  • 1.04. Understanding disease