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Analog and Mixed-Signal Microelectronics

This group is dedicated to the design of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. Special is given to the following lines: low-power and low-voltage design techniques in deep sub-micron technologies; A/D converters, time-to-digital converters and mixed-signal interfaces; smart implantable and portable biosensing devices; CMOS image sensors, time-of-flight sensors, single-photon detectors and vision chips; heterogeneous sensor/processor microsystems; vertically integrated circuit design (CMOS-3D). The group is formed by professors and researchers from the University of Seville and CSIC. It has an accumulated experience of more than 60 integrated circuits dessigned. They have participated in international research projects (FP-EU, ONR-USA) the national and Andalusian R+D plans. From within this group, a spin-off company, ANAFOCUS, rooted at Parque Tecnológico de La Cartuja, in Seville, was born.
Main specialization
Disciplina ERC:
  • PE7 Systems and Communication Engineering
Industrial Leadership:
  • 1 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  • 1.6. Micro- and nanoelectronics and photonics
Societal Challenges:
  • 6. Inclusive, innovative and secure societies
  • 6.2. Innovative societies