New synthesis method to produce ε -Fe2O3 nanoparticles for magnetic memories or wireless communication devices
The amplifier consists in a novel array of Josephson junctions and other superconducting elements that give rise to parametric amplification of microwave radiation with all desired properties for quantum computation: large gain, directional, broadband, near quantum-limited noise, tolerant to fabrication disorder and stable.
Method to generate physical unclonable functions (PUFs) which uses acousto-optic systems. System that allows to reduce complexity while maintaining high integrability and reliability. Allows miniaturization.
Method that improves the signal properties in ultrafast laser pulse systems, allowing shorter and higher power pulses, which can also be modulated at will depending on the desired use.
A smart ridesharing platform at a city-wide scale that allows the organization of short-distance trips with users' own private cars (without the participation of professional drivers), and could result in social, economic and environmental benefits for cities that deploy it.
AI technology for automating team formation helping to select optimal teams with specific competencies, personality, and preferences to match specific tasks, jobs, or projects. The resulting teams are balanced, which means that no team is over-competent nor under-competent.
A mobile application with AI technology for the creation of mutual aid communities. The digital platform allows the creation of a large social network that responds to the diverse needs of people for help, through parameters such as the level of trust and privacy.
A software support tool for trust assessment in online communities. The system recommends the assessments by weighting the expert’s assessments, along with other user’s assessments over the object of evaluation.
New device suitable to study termal transport with enhanced sensitivity