CSIC Technologies Catalogue 2024 (PDF) Available Technological Offer Search Technological category - Any - Agriculture, livestock and marine science Agrotechnology Animal health Animal production Aquaculture Biocontrol Biostimulant Crop improvement Fishery Forestry Technology Plant variety Biotechnology Biocatalyst Biochemistry Biomaterial Bioprocess Biosensor Genetic engineering Molecular and cell biology Plant biotechnology Chemistry Chemical Synthesis Chemical analysis Industrial Process Separation techniques Electronics Chips / Circuits / Micro & nanoelectronics Detection / Sensing (electronics) Robotics / Automation Energy Carbon capture Energy Production Fuel cells Hydrogen Energy Storage Batteries Supercapacitors Thermal storage Fossil energy source Coal and hydrocarbons Mining and extraction Nuclear energy Renewable energy source Biofuel / Synthetic fuel Biomass Photovoltaics Solar / Thermal energy Wind energy Environment Air pollution and treatment Measurement / Quality control Prediction models Recycling / Recovery Waste management Water pollution and treatment Food technology Food processing Food quality and safety Ingredients / Functional food Health Clinical Application Cardiovascular Dermatology Ear, nose & throat Gastroenterology Haematology / Blood disorder Immunology Infectious disease Inflammatory disease Mental health Metabolism (diabetes, obesity, endocrinology) Musculoskeletal disorder Nephrology Neurology Oncology Ophthalmology Orphan and Rare Disease Other (therapeutics) Respiratory disease Cosmetics Diagnostics Biomarker Imaging Microarray Sensor Medical device Detection Imaging Implantable / Pprosthetic Surgical Treatment Research tools Animal Model Cell line Expression system Labelling Reagent Screening assay Vector & plasmids Therapy Antibodies Bacteria Cell Therapy DNA / RNA Drug delivery Gene Therapy Peptide / Protein Small Molecule Target Vaccine Humanities and Social Sciences Art Cultural industries Heritage Language technologies Public policies /Social innovation ICT Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Robotics Bioinformatics Communication Cybersecurity Data Mining IoT Materials Carbon nanotube Catalyst Ceramics Chemicals Composite Graphene Instrumentation Coating Construction Measurement /sensing (materials) Printing Metals and alloys Micro & Nanomaterial Plastic / Polymer Plásticos y polímeros Semiconductor Smart / Functional material Sustainable material Textile Apply Reset Energy Storage Batteries Batteries New electrolyte involving iron salts to be used in an all-iron hybrid redox flow batteryNew electrolyte involving iron salts to be used as anolyte and/or catholyte in an all-iron hybrid redox flow battery. It comprises various additives that provide key properties such as stability, balanced pH, and ionic conductivity, and inhibit H2 evolution/generation, enabling good quality iron platting. Energy Materials Renewable energy source Photovoltaics Measurement /sensing (materials) Spectral shaper illumination deviceNew illumination device suitable for optical spectroscopy characterization of optical and/or optoelectronic materials and devices Materials Sustainable material Waste management Nuclear energy Sustainable cement for nuclear waste managementAlkali-activated cement with a low carbon footprint as sustainable alternative to Portland cement for the immobilization of low and intermediate level radioactive waste. It could also be implemented for the management of toxic and/or hazardous waste. Energy Energy Storage Batteries Compact electrochemical deviceNew compact electrochemical device that can be adapted to different applications such as: flow cell, fuel cell or electrolyzerto produce H2. Social Media twitter linkedin youtube