CSIC Technologies Catalogue 2024 (PDF) Available Technological Offer Search Technological category - Any - Agriculture, livestock and marine science Agrotechnology Animal health Animal production Aquaculture Biocontrol Biostimulant Crop improvement Fishery Forestry Technology Plant variety Biotechnology Biocatalyst Biochemistry Biomaterial Bioprocess Biosensor Genetic engineering Molecular and cell biology Plant biotechnology Chemistry Chemical Synthesis Chemical analysis Industrial Process Separation techniques Electronics Chips / Circuits / Micro & nanoelectronics Detection / Sensing (electronics) Robotics / Automation Energy Carbon capture Energy Production Fuel cells Hydrogen Energy Storage Batteries Supercapacitors Thermal storage Fossil energy source Coal and hydrocarbons Mining and extraction Nuclear energy Renewable energy source Biofuel / Synthetic fuel Biomass Photovoltaics Solar / Thermal energy Wind energy Environment Air pollution and treatment Measurement / Quality control Prediction models Recycling / Recovery Waste management Water pollution and treatment Food technology Food processing Food quality and safety Ingredients / Functional food Health Clinical Application Cardiovascular Dermatology Ear, nose & throat Gastroenterology Haematology / Blood disorder Immunology Infectious disease Inflammatory disease Mental health Metabolism (diabetes, obesity, endocrinology) Musculoskeletal disorder Nephrology Neurology Oncology Ophthalmology Orphan and Rare Disease Other (therapeutics) Respiratory disease Cosmetics Diagnostics Biomarker Imaging Microarray Sensor Medical device Detection Imaging Implantable / Pprosthetic Surgical Treatment Research tools Animal Model Cell line Expression system Labelling Reagent Screening assay Vector & plasmids Therapy Antibodies Bacteria Cell Therapy DNA / RNA Drug delivery Gene Therapy Peptide / Protein Small Molecule Target Vaccine Humanities and Social Sciences Art Cultural industries Heritage Language technologies Public policies /Social innovation ICT Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Robotics Bioinformatics Communication Cybersecurity Data Mining IoT Materials Carbon nanotube Catalyst Ceramics Chemicals Composite Graphene Instrumentation Coating Construction Measurement /sensing (materials) Printing Metals and alloys Micro & Nanomaterial Plastic / Polymer Plásticos y polímeros Semiconductor Smart / Functional material Sustainable material Textile Apply Reset Chemistry Chemical Synthesis Catalyst Nickel as a High-Efficiency Catalyst in the Deuteration of Silanes and BoranesosHighly efficient nickel catalyst for the deuteration of silanes and boranes, offering high conversions, mild reaction conditions, and broad versatility, covering primary, secondary, and tertiary silanes, as well as various types of boranes. Chemistry Industrial Process Improved walking analysis method to detect and prevent risk of fallingSystem to analyze human gait, that generates an accurate analysis adapted to each patient and its characteristics and peculiarities of footfall, being therefore of special interest for prevention and rehabilitation of motor disorders or anomalies. Chemistry Industrial Process Pneumatic, monolithic and flexible valve for flow control in fluid circuitsResistant and flexible valve for pneumatic flow control in fluid circuits. Its monolithic structure prevents failures caused by defective parts, and is also cheap to produce and easy to install and replace. It can be used without the need for a direct electrical connection. Chemistry Industrial Process Environment Recycling / Recovery Materials Metals and alloys Recovery of added-value Bismuth from secondary sources during Copper productionEnvironmental and economically sustainable recovery of added-value Bismuth (Bi) raw material from the residues generated during the primary production of Copper with an integrated removal of the hazardous Arsenic present in them. Chemistry Chemical Synthesis Materials Micro & Nanomaterial Photocatalityc oxidation process to produce phenolNew photocatalytic process to produce phenol and other alcohols from different precursors. Social Media twitter linkedin youtube