Allelopathy in natural and agrarian systems

Although difficult to appreciate at their fair value, the interactions of living beings through chemical compounds are present in all ecosystems, including agricultural ecosystems. These interactions can be both facilitative and pernicious and take place inter- and intra-specifically, among very diverse taxonomic groups. In natural ecosystems, allelopathies play a key role in the biotic associations which are possible, and are currently relevant for their role in the emergence of invasive plants. In agricultural systems they can affect interactions with weeds, crop rotation or degradation of the remains after harvest, all with an effect on productivity.

Main specialization

Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • LS8 Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology
Industrial Leadership:
  • 4. Biotechnology
  • 4.1. Boosting cutting-edge biotechnologies as future innovation drivers
Societal Challenges:
  • 2. Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bioeconomy.
  • 2.2. Sustainable and competitive agri-food sector for a safe and healthy diet