Chemistry of Cement

The main lines of research presently pursued by the Chemistry of Cement Group can be summarised as follows. Portland cement: concrete admixtures; alkaline cements and concretes (development of new binders); durability studies on portland and alkaline cements; conservation of the historic and cultural heritage (mechanisms and effects of decay, conservation products). The group’s engagement in competitive research projects and its close ties to the industry enable it to undertake industrial developments, conduct pilot tests and transfer knowledge to the private sector. The group also trains young researchers and engineers subsequently employable by the industry, and delivers well publicised courses on “Chemistry of Cement” “Alkaline Cements” and “Rheology” intended for trainees and engineers working in the cement and concrete industries and in construction in general.

Main specialization

Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • PE8 Products and Processes Engineering
Industrial Leadership:
  • 3. Advanced materials
  • 3.4. Materials for a sustainable industry
Societal Challenges:
  • 5. Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials
  • 5.2. Sustainably managing natural resources and ecosystems