Sagrario Martínez Carrera
Dr. Sagrario Martínez Carrera, born in Madrid on May 10, 1925, passed away on December 18, 2011. Chemist, excellent crystallographer, graduated in 1948 from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and received her doctorate in 1955. During her scientific life she held the positions of scientific collaborator, scientific researcher and research professor at CSIC, always associated with the Crystallography Department of the Insitituto de Física Química Rocasolano, except for her pre- and post-doctoral stays in the Netherlands and the United States.
Sagrario Martínez Carrera was one of the scientists who, undoubtedly, can be considered as one of the extraordinary exponents of the Spanish science of the mid-20th century and heiress, in second generation, of that original Section of X-rays that, in 1948 Julio Palacios formed at the Alonso de Santa Cruz Institute, as a continuation of the Board of Expansion of Studies. She entered the Rockefeller in the early 1950s, becoming involved in actions that were the prelude to the automation of modern crystallography.
She became an active part of what is now called the Spanish Crystallography and Crystalline Growth Group, of the Spanish Crystallography Committee, of the CSIC Scientific Advisory Committee and was involved in tasks of the International Union of Crystallography IUCr).
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