Modelling the formation of austenite in the intercritical interval in ductile iron
Bainitic ferrite plate thickness evolution in two nanostructured steels
Effect of Ausforming on the Macro- and Micro-texture of Bainitic Microstructures
Stress and Strain Induced Transformations
Assessing the implementation of machine learning models for thermal treatments design
Future trends on displacive stress and strain induced transformations in steels
Wear behavior of nanostructured carbo-austempered cast steels under rolling-sliding conditions
Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy Study of Carbon-Vacancy Interaction in Low-Temperature Bainite
Stress or strain induced martensitic and bainitic transformations during ausforming processes
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of a nanostructured bainitic cast steel
Dilatometric study of phase transformations in 5 Mn steel subjected to different heat treatments
Thermodynamic analysis and isothermal bainitic transformation kinetics in lean medium-Mn steels
Physical simulation and dilatometric study of double¿step heat treatment of medium¿Mn steel
Dilatometric and Microstructural Study of Martensite Tempering in 4% Mn Steel
Retained austenite destabilisation during tempering of Low Temperature Bainite
Effect of Isothermal treatments parameters on Nanostructured Bainite transformation
Quantitative assessment of the time to end bainitic transformation
Effect of ausforming on the anisotropy of low temperature bainitic transformation
Low-Temperature Bainite: A Thermal Stability Study
Carbon Clustering in Low-Temperature Bainite
TIANOBAIN - Towards industrial applicability of (medium C) nanostructured bainitic steels - RFCS
Bainite and martensite: Developments and challenges
Developing nanostructured metal at the atomic and nano scales
The influence of La and Ce addition on inclusion modification in cast niobium microalloyed steels
Complex Nano-scale structures for unprecedented properties in steels
Tensile ductility of nanostructured bainitic steels: Influence of retained austenite stability
Effects of mo addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of cast microalloyed steel
The Influence of Vanadium on Ferrite and Bainite Formation in a Medium Carbon Steel
Quantitative assessment of carbon allocation anomalies in low temperature bainite
Transferring nanoscale bainite concept to lower C contents: A perspective
Vanadium effect on a medium carbon forging steel
Ductility of nanostructured bainite
The role of silicon, vacancies, and strain in carbon distribution in low temperature bainite
Induced martensitic transformation during tensile test in nanostructured bainitic steels
Analyzing the scale of the bainitic ferrite plates by XRD, SEM and TEM
Modern steels at atomic and nanometre scales
Low temperature bainitic ferrite: evidence of carbon super-saturation and tetragonality
Detailed characterization of complex banding in air-cooled bainitic steels
On the role of microstructure in governing the fatigue behaviour of nanostructured bainitic steels
Tensile Response of Two Nanoscale Bainite Composite-Like Structures
Design of novel bainitic steels: Moving from ultrafine to nanoscale structures
Nanostructured steel industrialisation: Plausible reality
Complex microstructural banding of continuously cooled carbide-free bainitic steels
Composition design of nanocrystalline bainitic steels by diffusionless solid reaction
Industrialised nanocrystalline bainitic steels. Design approach
Wear of nano-structured carbide-free bainitic steels under dry rolling-sliding conditions
Retained austenite thermal stability in a nanostructured bainitic steel
Strengthening and mechanical stability mechanisms in nanostructured bainite
New experimental evidence of the diffusionless transformation nature of bainite
Exploring carbide-free bainitic structures for hot dip galvanizing products
Microstructure evolution during tensile deformation of a nanostructured bainitic steel
Wear of nano-structured carbide-free bainitic steels under dry rolling-sliding conditions
Temperature dependence of carbon supersaturation of ferrite in bainitic steels
On measurement of carbon content in retained austenite in a nanostructured bainitic steel
Tensile behaviour of a nanocrystalline bainitic steel containing 3wt% silicon
Determination of hot and cold rolling textures of steels: Combined Bayesian neural network model
Distribution of dislocations in nanostructured bainite
Slow Bainite: an Opportunity to Determine the Carbon Content of the Bainitic Ferrite during Growth.
Generación de microestructuras aciculares para obtener elevadas propiedades mecánicas en aceros
Warm Forged Medium Carbon V Steel
Atom Probe Tomography Analysis of Precipitation during Tempering of a Nanostructured Bainitic Steel
Examination of carbon partitioning into austenite during tempering of bainite
Carbon supersaturation of ferrite in a nanocrystalline bainitic steel
Tracking solute atoms during bainite reaction in a nanocrystalline steel
Tracking solute atoms during bainite reaction in a nanocrystalline steel
Effect of V and N precipitation on acicular ferrite formation in sulfur-lean vanadium steels
New experimental evidence on the incomplete transformation phenomenon in steel
Estimation of Dislocation Density in Bainitic Microstructures Using High Resolution Dilatometry
Advanced vanadium alloyed steel for heavy product applications
Theoretical design and advanced microstructure in super high strength steels
Estimation of dislocation density in bainitic microstructures using high-resolution dilatometry
Toughness deterioration in advanced high strength bainitic steels
Phase transformation theory: A powerful tool for the design of advanced steels
Influence of V precipitates on acicular ferrite transformation part 1: The role of nitrogen
Diffusion simulation of Cr-Fe bcc systems at atomic level using a random walk algorithm
Redistribution of alloying elements during tempering of a nanocrystalline steel
Influence of V precipitates on acicular ferrite transformation part 2: Transformation kinetics
Atomic scale observations of bainite transformation in a high carbon high silicon steel
Design of carbide-free low-temperature ultra high strength bainitic steels
Design of carbide-free low-Temperature ultra high strength bainitic steels
Neural Network Modeling for the Prediction of Critical Transformation Temperatures in Steels
Advanced Ultra High Strength Bainitic Steels
New model for the overall transformation kinetics of bainite. Part 2: Validation
Simulation of V(CN) precipitation in steels allowing for local concentration fluctuations
Bimodal size-distribution of bainite plates
Neural network model for improvement of strength-ductility compromise in low carbon sheet steels
New model for the overall transformation kinetics of bainite. Part 1: The model
Evaluation of displacive models for bainite transformation kinetics in steels
Design of advanced bainitic steels by optimisation of TTT diagrams and T0 curves
The role of retained austenite on tensile properties of steels with bainitic microstructures
New approach for the bainite start temperature calculation in steels
A model for predicting the Ms temperatures of steels
Critical assessment of models for predicting the Ms temperature of steels
Ultra-high-strength bainitic steels
Tempering of hard mixture of bainitic ferrite and austenite
Evaluation of the Austenitic Grain Growth by Thermoelectric Power Measurements
Proposal of an empirical formula for the austenitising temperature
Acceleration of low-temperature bainite