Solid-Solid Phase Transformation Group (MATERALIA)

Currently, the MATERALIA Group maintains a leadership position at the Spanish level and an important international visibility in the field of phase transformations in steels. Its main objective is to understand the relationship among the steel processing, its structure and its mechanical properties. In this regard, they investigate the transformation mechanisms, characterize the structure of the material from the micro to the nano-scale and develop simulation tools that allow describing the physics and chemistry that govern the processes of transformation of steel and its properties under real conditions of use. In addition, this Group maintains a close relationship with the metallurgical industry for the design and development of steels for highly demanding applications. This relationship with industry, especially successful in the development of nanostructured bainitic steels, has allowed them to validate many of their computational design tools and techniques.

Main specialization

Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • PE8 Products and Processes Engineering
Industrial Leadership:
  • 3. Advanced materials
  • 3.2. Materials development and transformation
Societal Challenges:
  • 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy
  • 3.1. Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint through smart and sustainable usage