Human Ecology and Archaeology (HUMANE)

HUMANE starts from a critical positioning towards the models of knowledge prevailing in Social Sciences research and the need to generate a research truly transdisciplinary that goes beyond the limitations of the single academic disciplines and historical trajectories. HUMANE mission is the development of an innovative theoretical-methodological framework for the study of social dynamics in a long-term perspective and within an environmental framework. The know-how addressed in HUMANE goes from an assessment of the processes of knowledge generation with a special focus on androcentrism and gendered production of knowledge to the different aspects of socio-historical dynamics, the social processes and resource management, and the sustainability and resilience of socio-ecological dynamics.

Main specialization

Área de investigación:
Disciplina ERC:
  • SH6 The Study of the Human Past
Industrial Leadership:
  • 7. Other
  • 7.1. Other
Societal Challenges:
  • 5. Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials
  • 5.2. Sustainably managing natural resources and ecosystems