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Premium Monovision Ophthalmic Corrections

Monovision corrections for presbyopia

Presbyopia –the age-related loss of ability to change focus distance– affects 100% of the population after the age of 45. In the year 2020, nearly two billion people will have presbyopia worldwide. Monovision is a common prescription lens correction for presbyopia. With a monovision correction, one eye is corrected for far vision and the fellow eye for near vision. This causes the image of a target in one eye to be blurrier than the image of the same target in the other eye. We have recently discovered a new version of a 100-year-old illusion caused by this interocular blur difference. The illusion is characterized by misperceptions of the distance and 3D direction of moving objects. We call it the reverse Pulfrich effect. Depth misperceptions have serious implications in public safety.