[FPI2019] Sistemas complejos, big data

Palabras clave

The proposal considers problems that arise when analyzing social changes that appear as a collective behavior generated by the effect of interactions between individuals, in many cases mediated by new communication technologies.

PACSS contains two work-packages: WP1 is devoted to the study of the basic mechanisms in social models, and WP2 focuses on data- driven research.
WP1 is divided into six tasks:
 - Task 1.0 addressing general aspects of stochastic modeling and providing underpinning to virtually all other tasks.
 - Task 1.1 is on aging in social systems, Task 1.2 on game theory and evolutionary dynamics,
 - Task 1.3 on coevolution of networks and dynamical processes,
 - Task 1.4 on search algorithms and rare events and, finally,
 - Task 1.5 on the effect of delay in the dynamics of social systems.

The output of this more theoretical work is instrumental to advancing the Tasks in WP2:
 + Task 2.0 is concerned with collecting and cleaning data to be used in WP2.
 + Task 2.1 focuses on cities and mobility,
 + Task 2.2 on power grid stability & optimization,
 + Task 2.3 on epidemic spreading.
 + Task 2.4 will study language evolution
 + Task 2.5 focuses on competition for attention in online systems and relations to models of ecology.
 + Task 2.6 finally is on complex contagion mechanisms in opinion formation and the adoption of new technologies.

Referencia: RTI2018-093732-B-C22

Email: jose.ramasco@csic.es

Instituto: Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos IFISC



Tesis Doctoral