Homogeneous Catalysis by Organometallic Complexes
Homogeneous Catalysis by Organometallic Complexes
The research group coordinated by Prof. Jesús J. Pérez-Torrente, to which belong Prof. Luis A. Oro and other permanent scientists of the University of Zaragoza and the CSIC, has been recognized by the Government of Aragon as a research group of reference (E42_17R). The research team includes researchers from the Ramón y Cajal program, as well as a number of researchers in pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training.
Main specialization
Processing and Characterisation of Structural and Functional Ceramics
Processing and Characterisation of Structural and Functional Ceramics
Our interests are focused in the investigation and development of structural and functional ceramics for energy applications and their devices.
Main specialization
Synchrotron Radiation and Materials - Research and Applications
Synchrotron Radiation and Materials - Research and Applications
The RASMIA Research Group focuses its activity on the use of Synchrotron Radiation for research in materials science and nanotechnology, and low temperature techniques
Our object of study are magnetic materials, oxides and molecular, with application in spintronics, investigated with various techniques and in particular, with Synchrotron Radiation. Spintronics is a new technology based on spin currents, relevant in ICTs today, and even more in the medium and long term, for enabling energy-competitive technological solutions.
Main specialization
Endocrine diseases
Endocrine diseases
Main specialization
Chemical Modifications in Processed Foods (CHEMPROFOOD)
Chemical Modifications in Processed Foods (CHEMPROFOOD)
Main specialization
Our research group is an interdisciplinary team aimed to improve the health of consumers offering safe, of convenience and quality foods and ingredients from protein grains of interest, such as legumes, cereals and pseudocereals, and derived subproducts and coproducts of their industry using sustainable and innovative processing strategies. Novel biotechnological processes and emerging technologies are undertaken to contribute in the reduction of the onset of high prevalent chronic diseases.
Main specialization
Sustainable Interaction of the Construction Materials with the Environment (ISCMA)
Sustainable Interaction of the Construction Materials with the Environment (ISCMA)
The research group ISCMA was created in the year 2002 and currently consists of 7 people: a research scientist, a scientific holder, 1 hired researcher in the Ramon y Cajal Spanish program, 1 predoctoral fellow and 3 hired It is a young group, dynamic and enthusiastic with multidisciplinary spirit (2 Dr. Chemical sciences, 1 Dr. Mechanical and Materials Engineer, 1 Bachelor in environmental science, 1 arquitect, 1 Industrial engineer and a technical analysis and control).
Main specialization
Risk Management and Safety Group
Risk Management and Safety Group
Group of multidisciplinary profile, highlights its experience in topics in which converges science-technology-engineering aimed at the construction sector, relying mainly on the risk-safety binomial. Its activity is developed from an analytical, numerical and experimental aspect. Long career path in cooperation with industry and the university to achieve its objectives in research, training and transfer.
Main specialization
Water, Environmental and Food Chemistry (ENFOCHEM)
Water, Environmental and Food Chemistry (ENFOCHEM)
Development and application of analytical methodologies for assessment of the presence, fate and impact of organic contaminants, especially emerging contaminants, in the aquatic and terrestrial environment.
KEY resources required in 2019-2021:
- 3 Titular Scientists
- 2 Laboratory Technicians
Positioning within the three global areas (SOCIETY, LIFE, MATTER) in their intersection S-V-M.
Interest in new Interdisciplinary Thematic Platforms : PTI15-AG2BIO, PTI22, PTI2-SUSPLAST, PTI5-SOILBIO, PTI14-POLARCSIC.
Collaboration in open science initiatives: Science Week, Open Door Days.